What’s It’s Like for A Girl Part 6

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Max was done with her morning swim. She goes upstairs to the main bathroom and takes a shower to get all the chlorine off her body and out of her hair. The fake breasts she was wearing felt weird on her skin, but she liked having them. She wishes she could feel something when she plays with them.

After Max is done taking a shower. She heads into her bedroom and looks through her clothes. She had no idea what she was in the mood to wear today. She settles on a pair of black butt lifting leggings with pockets and one of her t-shirts that come down and cover her butt.

Max looks at herself in the full-length mirror and likes what she saw reflected at her. She glances over towards her closet and wonders, should she wear her tennis shoes or her calf-length boots. Since she was going to the library to see if the new Dresden book was in, she decides to wear her tennis shoes.

Max puts on some light make-up and eyeliner. She grabs her small backpack purse and makes sure her Samsung tablet, wallet, and cellphone was in it. She bought the backpack at the thrift store when her mother took her to buy some girl clothes.

Max puts her Bluetooth earbuds in her ears and heads downstairs to the garage to get her bicycle. She listens to some music, why she takes her bicycle out of the garage and peddle towards the library.

Her neighbors were still getting used to her dressing as a girl. She smiles as she peddles to the library. The weather was nice and there weren’t very many people out. After fifteen minutes of riding her bicycle, she arrives at Thomas Smith Memorial Library.

Max locks her bicycle up and heads inside the library. Inside the library, Max notices Mrs. Crank was behind the counter. Sitting next to her was Mrs. Sommer. Mrs. Sommer was new and one of the most openminded people Max has ever met.

Mrs. Sommer always gave her good advice about subjects she talked to her about. Max walks over to the shelving unit where new arrivals were placed. She spots the new Dresden Files book she has been waiting to read the new book. She picks the book up and walks around looking for a few more books to read.

While she is looking for more books, she spots one that teaches you how to train your voice. She grabs that one. She looks around for some more books that might be useful.

Max does catch Mrs. Crank looking at her occasionally. A sly smile appears on her face, as she moves around the library. She does stop and look through the music selection the library has. She spots a few CDs that she wanted to listen to and add to her music library.

It took Mrs. Sommer a few minutes to recognize the girl that came into the library. She saw Mrs. Crank glance towards the girl as she moved around the library. A smirk appeared on her face, as it finally dawns on Mrs. Crank’s face on who it was.

Mrs. Sommer picks up some books that needed to be shelved and walk over to Max. She wonders what made Max decide to become a girl.
She walks up to Max “hey Max. I like your new look.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Sommer.” Max was hoping Mrs. Sommer would respect her new life.

“So, what made you decided to start dressing as a girl?” Mrs. Sommers puts one of the books in her hands on the self.

“I have always dressed as a girl at home, without my mother knowing. I thought it was time, to be honest with my mother about how I felt.” Max also knew it didn’t help that her mother caught her wearing her older sister's string bikini either.

“Well, you do look nice. Who taught you how to apply your make-up?” Mrs. Sommers liked how Max did it.

“My sister, who in turn was taught by my mother. My mother uses to be a model before she had me.” Max knew his mother gave up that life because of the scar she had from giving birth to her and to stay with her children.

“Well, your sister taught you nicely. It’s not too bold and highlights the right areas of your face.” Mrs. Sommer puts another book on a different shelf.

“Thanks, Mrs. Sommer.” Max heads towards the self-checkout and signs her library card.

After she scans her library card, she scans the books she selected to read. The Dresden File book was due back by the end of next week, but she had time on the others. Max puts the books in the small backpack she brought with her and wave goodbye to everyone.

When she walks outside the library, she spots some of the older guys from her school. She takes a deep breath as she walks towards her bicycle. She hopes they just ride by her and ignore her.

Eddie, Frank, Jeff, Billy, and Chuck were out enjoying the sunshine on their bicycles when Eddie spotted a cute girl walking out of the library. He didn’t recognize her and she didn’t go to his high school.

“Hey Jeff, do you recognize that cute girl over there?”

Jeff looks at her and had to admit, she was cute. The tights she is wearing filled out her ass nicely.

“No, let’s go over and introduce ourselves to her.” Jeff starts peddling over to the library.

The rest of the guys follow him. They were as curious as Jeff and Eddie were. All five guys peddle over to the library.

As they got closer, Chuck recognized the bicycle the girl was unlocking. It looked like the one Max owned.

“Hey, that’s Max’s bicycle. I would recognize it anywhere.” Chuck wonders if the girl was related to Max.

Max was kneeling, unlocking her bicycle when she hears Chuck’s voice. She was hoping maybe, she could avoid this, but now she had no choice. She stands up and turns around to look at the five guys “hi guys, nice day for a bicycle ride, isn’t it?”

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Great stinger

JenniBee's picture

I love a good stinger. :) The end of the story definitely had me wanting more.

It's amazing how confident Max seems in that moment to just stand up and talk to them like it's no big deal. At that age, I would have been shaking, and probably would have run away.

Hopefully Max won't have much trouble from the guys.

I hope this goes well.

Samantha Heart's picture

Some guys may not like it, some may be ok with others.... I hope Max is safe.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.