Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 17

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Early Morning, Billy and Sara’s Apartment:
Sara was straddling Billy’s waist and massaging Billy’s chest. The two of them had woken up horny and were spending some time together in bed. Their other partner was busy on another case assigned to her by Jack.

As Sara massaged Billy’s breasts and play with her nipples. She looks into Billy’s eyes “so, what did the boss say?”

“Jack said to keep providing support to the Wolfhart family and help them out as much as we can. He also said he is sending a courier over to collect that dust we have. He wants to know what the government was up to with producing it.” Billy gasp when she feels some energy from Sara’s hand pulse against her breasts.

She feels her nipples become hard and little drops of milk leak out from her nipples. She smacks Sara’s thigh “stop that.”
An evil smile appears on Sara’s face “why? Don’t you want to produce breast milk?” Sara leans down and licks the milk off Billy’s nipple.

“When I have children, yes.” She shivers when she feels Sara’s tongue brush against her erect nipple.

For the next few hours, Sara and Billy enjoy each other’s bodies and company. Neither one of them leave the other’s body untouched.
Afterward, they go into the master bathroom and take a shower together.

Off the coast of Sardinia, Italy:
Patricia hovers high above the location of the underwater base she had been sent to by Mrs. Blake. According to Mrs. Blake, her niece had figured out that the people responsible for attacking her twin sister’s family were hiding out there. Since Ghost couldn’t be detected in stealth mode and her ability to access computers and such would allow her to gather data about the base.

“Alright Ghost, hold this attitude and stay in stealth mode.” Patricia closes her eyes and extends her ability down towards the underwater city.

She could feel the place twenty meters directly below her. It was good that she had the implant in her head that extended her range with her ability. Otherwise, she would have to swim down there and touch the outer structure to use her gift. She had to be careful as she access the onboard computer systems.

She didn’t want anyone to know she was inside their system or damage any of the systems running the place. She uploads a complete systemic layout of the place to Ghost. While she is in the system, she finds out that Mr. Ludlum and Johnathan White were on their way now to Atlantis. Mr. White’s company was responsible for building Atlantis and arming it as well.

The place was equipped with enough weapons and minisubs to protect itself from a full-on assault. However, all the people who worked at the place were scientists and marine biologists. They were part of an underwater network that span the globe.

She finds out that another underwater city has just been finished and it was twice as big as Atlantis and was named New Atlantis and was off the coast of Sir Lanka. The two cities were linked, so she accesses New Atlantis and gets everything from them as well, including all their master codes.

After a few hours of learning everything about the two underwater cities. Patricia pulls out of their systems and back to her body.

“Ghost, take us home.” Patricia grabs her water bottle and takes a sip from it as she feels Ghost head home.

Dotty wakes up and finds herself naked and sandwiched between two dark-skinned tan guys. Her jaw was hurting her, and she felt sore between her legs. The naked guy spooned behind her had his heavily tattooed arm draped over her fair-skinned body. She could feel his huge penis resting against her butt. The other guy, sleeping in front of her had a bunch of arm tattoos and some on his chest. He had a Marine-style haircut and dark hair.

She tries to get up but is pulled back against the guy behind her, as he holds onto her. He wasn’t rough with her but gently held her. She tries to remember what happened last night, but everything was a blur. She couldn’t recall what happened and that scared her. She knew she never loses control like this.

She squirms as she feels the guy behind her start kissing her neck and massaging her breast. She could feel him becoming aroused against her butt cheeks. He covers her mouth and sticks his tongue down inside her mouth, as their tongues wrestle. After a few minutes, she feels the other guy kissing her and sucking on her nipples. Her mind fills with lust as both men assault her body. She feels one guy penetrate her anal opening and the other guy penetrates her vagina as she is sandwiched between them. The men start slow and let her feel their presence in her body, before going faster and rougher. She could feel their thickness rub against one another inside her body through the layers of skin that separated her intestines and vagina lining.

The three of them trade places after the guy’s empty inside of her. The guy in front moves to her back and the other guy moves to her front and the three of them start again. Dotty couldn’t help herself as she allows the two guys to use her body. She couldn’t control herself as they go at it again.

While they are enjoying each other’s bodies. Dotty winces as both guys sink their teeth into her shoulder and neck. It hurt at first, but she gets over the pain quickly as the two men change forms. She wants to scream as they turn into humanoid Werewolves, with her impaled between the two of them.

She is overwhelmed as their thoughts merge with her and her thoughts and memories merge with them. Time seems to stop as the three of them become part of each other. Both men were twins and they have been looking for her for centuries.

She passes out from the pleasure that was overwhelming her and from the mystic nature of her being connected to her. When both men were done sharing everything with Dotty. They empty themselves inside of Dotty and lay her down gently on the mattress.

Craig looks at the young woman they have just claimed as their mate. They hadn’t set out looking for her, but when she walked into the same bar, they were in. They instantly knew this was the woman they have been waiting for centuries for.

Ashton looks at Dotty Wolfhart and couldn’t believe that he and his twin brother had found their mate after centuries. He could tell she was a strong woman and came from a unique family, thanks to their mind-meld.

“Do you think we should tell her folks?” Craig looks at his twin brother when he asks that question.

“I think, for now, we should keep quiet on what we are. They have enough troubles right now from her memories.” Ashton could recall everything Dotty was going through.

“You know the virus isn’t working on her for some reason.” Craig looks Dotty over and notices that the virus that causes them to turn into werewolves isn’t working on her.

“That is strange. I’ve never met or heard of anyone that isn’t affected by the virus.” Ashton was curious.

As the two men try to figure Dotty out. Her cellphone starts ringing. Ashton picks it up and the name on it said, Sasha.

“Let it go to voice mail. She can call her sister back later.” Craig knew Sasha was Dotty’s younger sister from the memories Dotty shared with them.

“I’m hungry, brother. How about you?” Craig looks at Ashton.

“Same here. She’ll be hungry when she wakes up.” Ashton knew explaining everything to Dotty was going to be fun.

“I’ll go and put three steaks on for us.” Craig turns and walks out of the bedroom.

Ashton just looks down at Dotty’s unconscious form. He had a feeling she was going to be pissed when she woke up. However, he and his brother have been looking for their mates for a while.

He walks out of the bedroom towards the kitchen to give his brother some help.

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Not only is Dottie going to be pissed

Samantha Heart's picture

But Shasha will be as well. I don't know what Dottie's special ability is, but for some reason she is immune to the Wearer virus. These two guys better be heady for hell to rain down on them from the WHOLE family. I don't think these two really know what's going to happen, but will soon enough.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Typical Were

Take what they want, with no regard for anyone else. They are beginning to come across to me as psychopaths. It's time to build some were-proof prisons, and try them in a court of law just like any other individual is that is accused of kidnapping, sexual assault and rape. After all, we put down aggresive animals, and we lock up aggresive people. Do the weres have some kind of exemption from behaving in a civilized manner? If they can't or won't behave in a law-abiding, civilized manner then they should "be dealt with as wolves are"*

*Quote from "Prince Of Sparta" by Jerry Pournelle and S. M. Stirling. No pun intended or implied.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Were prison

There is a prison for Were creatures. The HSL and Hunter organization developed them and so have the packs and pards as well.

The packs and pard use them for out of control Weres when they first change and they can’t control their animal side.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

Seems to me

That all the weres and the other supernaturals are already out of control. They are yet another category of human parasites. The ones that are "immortal" will be a tough problem, but, using the vampires as an example, they are already dead anyway, so . . . .

Anyway, no matter how you go about it, all these beings need to be reined in.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

They won't have to tell Dotty's parents

Jamie Lee's picture

Those two grabbed the wrong girl, but don't know it yet. They aren't going to be happy campers when it rains down on them because of what they've done to Dotty. They also aren't going to be happy when they discover that Dotty isn't mated to them as they believe she is.

Those two might want to go find some place way out of the way, where they can be safe for a time.

Others have feelings too.