The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 15

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Jack’s Private Lear Jet:
Bree was asleep and had her head on Aylin’s lap as they enter Montana airspace. They had been woken up in the middle of the night and driven to a private airfield. Even Jester was contacted and brought to the airfield.

When they boarded the plane, Tizzy, Lien, Ikaika, and Omphile had been on the plane. After a few hours of flying, they landed again and picked up Cheshire. Lien had been excited that her grandmother was coming with them. She was asleep on Cheshire’s lap as well.

Jamie looks at Cheshire “can someone tell me what is going on here?” She was curious.

Cheshire looks at the young blonde woman and wonders who she is? She was already on the plane when she got on.

“Uncle Jack is calling in the cavalry.” Tizzy looks at Jamie.

Tizzy already figured out that she was working with Shade and Hatter. She heard Bree call her auntie Jamie.

“Okay, who is Uncle Jack?” Jamie looks at Aylin for an answer.

“He’s my mother’s older brother and the guy we work for.” Aylin hadn’t gotten around to telling Jamie about who they worked for yet.

“Okay, that’s good to know. Still, why are we being called in?” Jamie didn’t mind, but she wanted to know why they were called in.

“Because Jack’s oldest daughter was almost killed, young lady. Family looks after family.” Cheshire spoke and tried not to wake her granddaughter.

“Oh!” An evil smile appears on Jamie’s face.

That meant she gets to have some fun. She was enjoying working with Hatter and Shade.

Mark leans next to Aylin “I told you, your blood made her crazy.”

Aylin just elbows, Mark. There was a smile on her face when she does it. She was trying not to move too much because Bree was asleep.

“We’ll be landing soon, Mrs. Patel,” Larry informs Cheshire they were close to the Bounty Ranch.

Bounty Ranch, Jack’s House 1300 hrs.:
Rebecca was looking at everyone as they sat at the huge dining room table. Her mother was sitting next to her. She looks at the big man that was her new grandfather. He was sitting at the head of the table. She spent the morning getting to know him. She also got to know her aunt from England and her cousins from England as well. Well, one of them was from England and the other two were from Washington D.C.

She looks across the table at the Latino woman sitting next to her cousin Chayton. She was helping her grandfather find the people responsible for almost killing her mother’s sister in the hospital.

Selina had come home after dropping off clean clothes for Debbie and Christmas. She checked on them and Julia while she was there. Julia was still in critical condition. She loves Julia like a daughter and hopes she gets better.

On the way back to the ranch, she contacted Larry to see where he was and if he had everyone. Larry informed her he should be landing around 1400hrs. their time. After that, she arrived home and started making lunch for everyone. The girls and Jack had made breakfast for everyone and left the kitchen spotless.

Around 1300hrs. lunch was ready. She and the girls take everything out to the dining room table. While everyone is eating lunch, she goes back into the kitchen and switches the television over to monitor. She accesses the radar feed and looks for the transponder code for the Lear Jet carrying Cheshire and Hatter.

She spots the plane at the outer edge of the radar. Calculating how fast they are moving she figures they will be at the ranch by 1430hrs. She leaves the screen up and goes to inform Jack.

1430hrs. Ranches Landing Strip, Bounty Ranch:
Jack, Gina, Selina, and Arnold watch as a white and blue Lear Jet lands on the airstrip. It comes to a complete stop in front of them. Everybody watches as the door opens and the Cheshire comes walking out first. She helps her granddaughter down the steps.

Following behind Cheshire was her second oldest daughter Omphile, then Tizzy, and her husband. After them were Mark, Aylin, Bree and finally Jamie. Jack notices the young girl holding Aylin’s hand the artificial leg she had. Anika had informed him that she had a new granddaughter and that Aylin and Mark had adopted a young handicapped girl.

Bree saw all the people waiting for them. She steps close to Aylin as they stood on the tarmac. She wonders which of the three guys was her uncle Jack.

Aylin looks down at Bree “it’s okay, sweetie. No one here will hurt you. You’re Uncle Jack and Aunt Cheshire won’t allow it.”

“Which one is Uncle Jack?” Bree looks up at her mother.

“Uncle Jack is the big guy with black hair.” Aylin points towards Jack.

Bree looks at the guy her mother pointed at and couldn’t believe how big he looks. He looked like one of the wrestlers that Mark liked.

“That’s Uncle Jack?”

“Yes, and see those wolves behind him.” Aylin points towards three wolves that were walking towards them.

“Yes ma’am.” Bree watches as the wolves come closer to them.

“He raised them. Those are his wolves and will protect this family. That includes you now.” Aylin taps Bree lightly on the nose.
Jamie leans close to Mark “is she sure about that with the wolves?”

A smirk appears on Mark’s face “yes, she’s sure. Those wolves won’t attack us.”

Jamie looks one more time at the wolves. She has never seen wolves that big before. She turns back around and starts walking with Aylin and Mark.

Tizzy and her husband walk up to Jack. She was informed about Julia by her mother. Her mother also didn’t know why the family have been given the chokers and the bracelets.

“How is Julia, Uncle Jack?” Tizzy noticed that Jack’s eyes look like wolf eyes.

“She’s still in critical condition, Tizzy.”

“Do you know who did this to her?”

“Yes, let’s head towards the house and talk about this.” Jack turns to lead everyone back to the house.

“Come on monkey, let’s head towards the house.” Ikaika picks Lien up so he could give her a piggyback ride.

Cheshire catches up with Jack “do we know who is responsible for hurting Julia?”

“Yes. Thanks to information recorded by Julia’s friend Bella Killjoy. We know who put the contract out on Julia and the gang that was hired to
kill her. I even have the second assassin who went to the hospital and tried to kill Julia a second time.” Jack checked on him before he sat down to have lunch with his family.

“How do you want to play this?” Cheshire was surprised Jack hasn’t done anything yet.

“I have Mouse tracking the person who put the contract out. She put him on the no-fly list and all private airfields in this state have been warned as well.”

“Don’t most of the private airfields know you?” Cheshire looks at Jack as they walk towards his house.

“Yes, but there are a few that don’t like taking orders from anyone. So, I have dispatched some of my agents to watch those airfields.” Jack was going to make sure Pierre Soghanalian pays for trying to kill his daughter and threatening his family.

“Who put the hit out on Julia, Jack?” Cheshire wants to know who is dumb enough to poke the wolf.

“Pierre Soghanalian. According to the information, Mouse found. He is the son of Viktor Bout.”

“Did you say, Viktor Bout?” Cheshire was surprised Jack mentioned that name.

“Yes, do you know him?” Jack was surprised Cheshire knew that name.

“Oh, yeah. I know him very well. He has a permanent limp to his right leg where I shot him.” Cheshire remembered shooting him when she went after the bastard back in Ukraine.

“I can’t believe you missed him.” Jack knew Cheshire very rarely missed who she was shooting at.

“I missed because the bastard dropped a wall on me. I was lucky it didn’t crush me.” Cheshire hated the fact she was pinned under a section of a wall.

“Well, his son is following in his footsteps.”

“Then, I guess I need to shoot him in his leg, so father and son have something in common.” Cheshire wouldn’t mind making his life miserable.

“I’m leaving him to my sister. MI5 and Interpol want him. So, I’m going to let her go after him. Because, if I do.”

“He’ll be brought back here to the ranch and Chaos and the boys will have fun.” Cheshire knew what Jack would do.


“Why did you want Hatter and her family here?”

“I’m sending her, whoever the girl is with them, Bella and Mark to deliver a message. A message so loud and clear that the cartel that they work for, understands what it will cost them.” Jack wanted them to know who they were messing with.

“Oh, you know that is going to make Hatter’s day. As for who the new girl is, her name is Jamie and I think she is Hatter’s and Mark’s new
partner.” Cheshire had paid attention to the three of them on the flight down.

The two of them walk up to the house, with everyone else following them.

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Ohhh let's seeeee.....

Samantha Heart's picture

What punishment oh sorry "MESSAGE" does Jack want them to deliver to the cartels hummm? Oh I think it will be VERY OBVIOUS since Jack wants them to know its "The Devil's Bounty Hunter" I think leader killed & decapitated & head mounted on a pike outside his house. Plus Hatter & Jamie are going to have a few nuts roasting on an open fire lol. Notice I didn't say CHEST nuts :D lmao

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Wolves are not like humans

Wendy Jean's picture

Generally they don't kill for fun, nor do they torture.

All hell just arrived

Jamie Lee's picture

Others have discovered too late, that going after the Bounty family shortens a person's lifespam significantly. It also causes measured applications of pain to acquire the needed information.

Not with what's been done to Julia, a war has been started that the other side doesn't know they started. But they soon will learn about it, and the mistake they've made.

Others have feelings too.